Sunday 8 May 2011

godady review

With the 2009 SuperBowl just around the corner I decided to review the web hosting services of As you may or may not know in the last several years GoDaddy has participated in a number of Superbowl commercials. (Which by the way you can preview on their website)

GoDaddy was started in 1997 by Bob Parsons, who is still the founder and CEO of the company.
They remain the largest ICANN domain registrar in the world with over 32 million domains currently under their management. GoDaddy has been included in the top 500 list of the fastest- growing, privately held companies in the nation for the last 3 years. They also participate in a list of charities too long to mention, but found under "Go Daddy Cares" on their website.

Besides domain registry GoDaddy also supplies:
Domain - purchase, management, renewals, transferring, auctions, and enhancements.
Hosting - plans, management, enhancements, and server plans.
Email - plans, management, enhancements, and marketing for your business.
SiteBuilders - enhancements, do it yourself plans, and build it for you plans.
Business - tools, reseller programs, ecommerce products, marketing tools, and gift cards.
SSL Certificates - purchase and management.
Reseller - Opportunities and management.

Unlike many webhosting companies that offer one or a few web hosting package options GoDaddy provides enough products to fit the needs of just about anyone wanting to design or start a website. Go Daddy does not provide "toll free" phone support. However, they have a ton of options to provide support such as (not outsourced) phone, email, FAQ, Knowledgebase, help guides, tutorials, glossary, and forum.
In our GoDaddy review we found their website to be very comprehensive yet easy to find the information you need, and fun stuff too(like their commercials) . Another advantage to GoDaddy is they do not require any long term contracts, they offer 12, 24, and 26 month discounts but do not require you to do so.


Choosing a paid Web hosting services provider can be a challenge. There are literally thousands of companies that offer countless products and services. It can be a difficult task for a novice as well as for a seasoned professional, but it doesn’t have to be. We’ve broken the process down into three steps.
Step One: Free or Paid Hosting?
Step Two: Determine Expectations
Step Three: Compare Hosts in the Right Category
Step One: Free or Paid Hosting?To pay or not to pay?A large percentage of Web sites are ‘free’ and posted by individuals for personal reasons. Typically, these sites are associated with one of the larger portals such as Yahoo or AOL and consist of a page or two with limited content. If you’re looking to put up a personal site like this, look no further than the solutions offered by these two companies. The tools and applications such as email, community interest portals and photo management software provided are straightforward and make setting your site up very easy.
The downside to free hosting? Generally you'll have to put up with banner ads on your homepage or other ads you don’t get to pick. To be fair, it’s how these companies can afford to set up your infrastructure for free. All the same, you have no control over whose ad shows up on your site. If that’s unacceptable, a paid hosting solution (some start lower than $5/mo) might be your best bet.
Most Web hosting companies bundle services into a series of packages. The standard hosting service component is normally a bundle of disk storage space (where your site is stored) and bandwidth (the capacity for data transfer of a wired or wireless communication system.) In addition, hosting companies usually bundle email services with standard plans. The email service contains POP and IMAP solutions which direct email received through your site to desktop applications (Outlook® or Exchange®.) “Web-mail” is also provided to view and manage email through a Web browser.
Frequently, small businesses want a Web site that functions only as an online brochure that provides information about the business but not sell products. Standard packages are ideal if you’re building a simple brochure site. Additional service packages offer eCommerce, media intensive applications for video and audio sharing and dedicated servers, designed to back-up more complex business requirements. Paid solutions pretty much come down to whether you’re going to sell products and services online or just display information in a brochure format and what kind of customer and technical support you’ll require.
Step Two: Determine ExpectationsYou Get What you Pay ForThere are basically two price levels prevalent in Web hosting. There’s a large group of Low Price or Discount hosts that offer nice solutions from below $5 to $15 per month and there are hosts that offer solutions that start above $15 and the pricing goes up from there. Companies such as Affinity have developed a number of different hosting brands to help simplify the customer experience. As an example, Affinity uses the Host Save and Win Save brands for their low-cost hosting solutions and the Value Web brand for their premium services.
Customer service is usually the primary difference between inexpensive hosting solutions and the higher priced options. Here’s where the “you get what you pay for” maxim comes into play. Prior to choosing a provider it’s important to determine how serious you are. In other words, if the site is your small business lifeline, where you’ll find customers, display, sell and even ship products you probably don’t want a hosting company that won’t answer calls when there’s a problem. On the contrary, many experienced professionals would rather not talk to someone and prefer technical support and customer service through email or online chat.
Clarifying expectations ahead of time can mean the difference between a great online experience or completely frustrated and without support. The extra $10 per month may be worth the piece of mind it buys.
Step Three: Compare Hosts in the Right CategoryOnce you know whether you need a standard hosting plan or an eCommerce solution and whether low price or premium (a.k.a. better customer support) hosting is right for you, it’s time to shop. Any of the major search engines will provide a multitude of responses with a query such as Web Hosting or eCommerce hosting. You can even narrow your search with more definition. A search for “Cheap eCommerce hosting” will yield mostly companies whose solutions fall in the low price category.
Take some time and visit several hosting company’s Web sites. Go over plan options and see which offer the services and support that match your expectations. Because of the similarities, hosting plans can become confusing. Most major providers have a “Compare Plans” page you can print. Its good to print out the various packages and have them in hand while you shop.
Using Affinity’s Value Web brand as an example, some hosts offer a portal where you’re free to ask existing customers if they’re satisfied and recommend the provider. Look for this function as you shop, it’s an excellent tool in how to determine whether a company is right for you. Unless you’re an experienced professional you shouldn’t buy a solution without at least first talking to a sales rep at the company. This gives a sense of the company’s commitment to its customers. Many also call the technical support numbers to see how long it takes to answer and how friendly and knowledgeable the staff is. Companies such as Affinity combined sales and support departments so when you order an account you’re talking to a technical support representative as well. This creates a forum in which all questions can be answered without having to be transferred to other departments.
It’s important to find a hosting relationship that fits your needs and whose level of involvement you feel comfortable with. Following these steps will make choosing a Web hosting solution easier and, hopefully, even fun.
1What do you look for in a web host? A low price? Reliability and good support I hope. If you’re anything like today’s ambitious webmaster, you’re on the hunt for the best features. There’s a lot of programs and management tools available to make your site standout but I bet there are some features you pay no mind at all. Often overlooked but one should never forget about critical security features as they will help to keep your web hosting environment protected from an array of threats. Security features are abundant but here some you simply can’t do without:
SFTPShort for Secure File Transfer Protocol, SFTP is more efficient and secure variation of FTP. In its purest form, FTP only has the ability to transfer files, leaving them vulnerable to a range of security breaches such as eavesdropping, tampering and even interception of the entire file. A web hosting company offering SFTP provides you with the ability to secure your files in transit with SSH (Secure Shell Host), a protocol that protects data with government recommended 128-bit encryption.
SSLSecure Sockets Layer or SSL, should be incorporated on any website that sells products or services. SSL is a standard encryption protocol designed to keep Internet communications secure. If a web hosting company doesn’t support a shared or private SSL certificate, you need to turn in the opposite direction and find yourself another provider.
Data BackupsData backup and restoration is not only something that should be practiced with the files on your hard drive, but those on the web host’s server as well. All it takes is one technical difficulty or natural disaster for the web hosting company to lose a server and all of your website data. The good thing is that most providers perform redundant backups to ensure that your data can be restored in the event of a failure. To be on the safe side, I recommend looking into a web host that offers a utility that allows you to backup your own data.
Network SecurityAside from protecting your files and website transactions, you also need to keep an eye out for security features that protect the web hosting company’s network. Do a little research to learn how the web host is protecting their infrastructure, keeping in mind that intrusion detection systems, firewalls, DDoS protection, virus and spam filtering are common features. Servers are prime targets of hackers and malicious code writers so if the hardware is breached or goes down, your website will suffer right along with it.These are just a few of numerous security features a web hosting company should offer to ensure the safety of your website data. Hackers are constantly trying to crack into web servers while malware writers are releasing new infectious strains everyday. A web host that doesn’t take this into mind is essentially leaving you wide open for exploitation.

Forex Market Structure

We now know why the foreign exchange market exists, so let’s look at how a forex transaction is actually facilitated.

At the very top of the forex market are transactions which are collectively called Interbank transactions. The “Interbank” is not, as some people may believe, an exchange. Rather, it is a collection or compilation of agreements between and among the major money center banks in the world.

How To Choose A Good Web Host

Choosing a web host is never easy. There are just so many unknowns when it comes to finding a host. It's hardly ever possible to walk into a web host's office, look around, meet the owners, and get a feel for whether or not you'd like to do business with these people.

It's important, though, that you bend over backwards to establish whether your prospective web host is a credible provider - or a fly by night artist.

The webmaster industry is awash with horror stories about signing up with a web hosting company, onlty to find out later that this 'business' is run by a 14 year old who lives at home.

For the most part, you'll make your decision using whatever information you can find online.

Start out with the website of the web host you are considering.

Is it professionally designed and written? Typo's and spelling errors may signal that this is a company ran by kids or amateurs.

Is the website easy to use? Is it designed with a view towards helping people? Are help materials available online? This should give you a flavor for whether the company is client oriented.

Where is the company located? Is there an address? Can you email them?

Look at the Terms of Service. Does your prospective web host clearly spell out what may be expected of them and what is expected of you? Every deal is different, but both parties should clearly know what the deal is.

Next, do a search for the company on Google. Are you finding any negative statements? Try different searching techniques, like typing the company name followed by the word "scam", or by the words "poor support".

Now, try emailing their customer support department. Do you get a fast reply? What about their sales department? Do they answer enquiries quickly? Let's face it...if they won't pay any attention to you when they're trying to get your business, how much more will you be neglected after you sign up?

If you follow these simple suggestions, your chances of signing up with an excellent web host increase substantially.

Rational Emphasizes Web Site Development Content Management

ContentStudio is designed for e-business development teams that include content contributors who write, design, edit or approve the information that will be on the site, and software developers who design, build, and test the code that powers the e-business system. ContentStudio manages content, code and other software artifacts in a common, software configuration management foundation. The company claims that the user of ContentStudio will unify e-business teams so they can build and deploy sophisticated e-business sites faster without any loss of quality.

"Every e-business site contains a combination of code and content, and if that code and content are not managed in unison the site will fail," said Eric Schurr, senior vice president of Marketing and Suite Products for Rational. "By combining Rational's market-leading e-development tools and best practices with Vignette's market-leading content management technology, we're providing customers with a complete set of integrated products for developing the highest quality e-business sites."
Rational is responding a real need in the world of e-business for coordinated control of both the code and the content of large complex web sites. E-businesses today require the same level of change control management for both the web site code and content that IT managers have employed in testing and implementing application software development.

IT managers use software configuration management systems to keep software development teams coordinated. These systems make it practical for a single release to incorporate the results of the simultaneous processes of fixing bugs and adding features by different development groups. With web sites, the product that must be controlled contains both code and site content.

Content gets created and modified according to a procedure that is quite different from the way that software is built. Thus while software configuration management tools can be used with content they don't typically reflect the processes that content goes through. Rational's attempt to address this should be welcomed by the market, and lead to some modest competition. However, any attempt to manage things leads to changes in the way that people work. It remains to be seen whether ContentStudio, once purchased, becomes part of a website's arsenal, or just another piece of software on the shelves.

Saturday 7 May 2011

FXDD Trader - Forex Trading Software

Trading in the spot foreign exchange market involves a significant risk of loss and is not suitable for everyone. Clients should evaluate their financial condition in light of the potential risk of loss before deciding to trade. Only discretionary risk capital should be used for trading. Discretionary risk capital is capital that if lost will not cause a change in your lifestyle.
* Managers using MultiTerminal are advised that should  technical difficulties arise or should a delay in execution occur that FXDD disclaims all liability for any losses resulting from such difficulties or delays.
* FXDD strongly recommends using a cable/DSL modem or other broadband connections for best performance. In some cases you may be required to open and close ports.
** MetaTrader is a product of MetaQuotes Software Corporation, licensed by FXDD.
Minimum System Requirements
Windows 2000 / XP / Vista
2 .0 GHz or faster CPU
512 MB RAM (1GB recommended)
Screen resolution 1024x768 or higher
Modem/connection speed 36.6 Kbps or faster
Internet Explorer version 7.0 / Mozilla FireFox 2.0 or later

 Forex Trading Signal Week #32 2010
1) Forex Trading Signal For GBPJPY Forex Trend Analysis Weekly Chart: Strong Bearish (DOWN) Daily Chart: Strong Bearish (DOWN) 4 Hourly Chart: Weak Bearish (DOWN) Hourly Chart: Strong Bullish (UP) Although the overall trend for the GBPJPY is still down, there is a high chance that the price might move up due to the intervention of the Japanese... [Read more of this review]

 Forex Trading Signal Week #31 2010
Sorry for the late update on this weekly chart as I am just back from a 6 days vacation to China with my family and friends. Below is the analysis for this week. 1) Forex Trading Signal FOR GBPJPY Forex Trend Analysis Weekly Chart: Strong Bearish (DOWN) Daily Chart: Strong Bearish (DOWN) 4 Hourly Chart

Queen Rania

The Royal Palace says Jordan’s Queen Rania has undergone a non-surgical procedure in New York to correct an irregular heart beat.
The 40-year-old queen accompanied her husband, King Abdallah, who attended the UN General Assembly meetings in New York. She also attended separate functions, including a panel on empowering girls.
“The procedure is a catheterization through a vein to the heart. It is used to treat abnormal heart rhythms, or premature ventricular contractions, which is a common condition,” the palace statement said. “During the procedure, an electric current is used to stop the disturbance of electrical flow through the heart, thus restoring a healthy heart rhythm.”
A palace spokesman said: “The procedure went very smoothly and her majesty is well and in good spirits. She will remain in hospital for two nights while she recuperates.” The queen is expected to fly home later this week. Rania is to remain in a New York hospital for two nights to recuperate and will return home later in the week.